Is saying “yes” draining your energy and leaving no time?
Do you feel stressed, burned out, or pulled in too many directions?
Do you have little to no time to tend to your needs and wants?
Are you missing opportunities because you put everyone’s needs first?
Do you feel taken for granted and undervalued?
As a former people pleaser and over-giver, I’ve felt all the above multiple times in my life and each time I realized I was saying “yes” to almost everything that was asked of me.
I struggled with saying “no” for fear I would let someone down, they’d get upset with me or worse, they’d no longer like me.
When I realized I was contributing to the chaos in my life because of my “yes’s” I knew it was up to me to get over my fear and learn to say “no.”
My new motto is: If it’s not a heck yes!, then it’s a no.
I learned how to say no with grace and confidence and to let go of the outcome. And something miraculous happened…
People began to respect me and my time and life became a whole lot sweeter!
Oftentimes, it’s easier to say “no” when we are sure we are saying it kindly. In this FREE guide, I’m sharing 25 of my favorite go-to scripts when I want to decline an invitation or request.
It’s never too late to start honoring your sacred self. With each “no,” you’re telling yourself you matter and you are important.
Onward and upward, soul sibling!
~KB 💛
My name is Kristen Brown. I’m a spiritual healing mentor who specializes in assisting individuals in identifying and resolving distressing life and relationship patterns that stem from subconscious beliefs rooted in shame and unworthiness.
My coaching and mentoring approach is a powerful blend of timeless universal truths, acquired wisdom, intuitive prowess, and practical tools and techniques. Together, these elements provide me with the necessary guidance to laser-focus on areas of healing that will bring about the most transformative impact on your life.
You do not need to suffer through life. There is a path to manifesting the life you've always envisioned, and I am here to guide you along that journey.
Welcome aboard! I invite you to kick off your shoes, put up your weary feet and make yourself at home.